Lets do this! . DRIVE BY SCHOOL SUPPLY Giveaway . School supplies for our at risk kids. . $20 goes a long way!
DRIVE BY SCHOOL SUPPLY OUTREACH . You can help! $20 goes a long way! . Things will look different for our students with online/in person learning. We are working to provide the supplies they need to succeed.
We are excited to be starting our summer reading program soon! Thank you @sandyjbrown from #thereadinglight for your help today!
We had a great week! We fed a lot of kids, providing a lot of food for families, started our summer mentoring program & prayed for a lot of people!
Thank you so much to all those who donated to us on the GiveNOLA site!
Since the Corona virus lock-down you have helped provide:
- 2500 hot delicious nutritious meals
- Weekly food baskets to 40 families.
- With those food baskets, you are helping feed 140 people each week.

Thank you again for your ongoing support!
Winner winner chicken dinner has never been truer than it is this week!

We are trying to win a $7,500 prize during GiveNOLA. That’s right if we are the winner winner we can provide a lot of dinners – chicken and other kinds.
Providing high-quality food has been the focus of our mission since Governor Edwards canceled public schools on March 15, 2020. With your support, and the generosity of churches and foundations we have been able to provide:
- 2500 hot delicious nutritious meals
- Weekly you have provided food baskets to 40 families.
- With those food baskets, you feed 140 people each week.
Between now and Tuesday, June 2nd we have an opportunity to win $7,500 by getting the most individual givers. So of course, to win we are counting on you. We need you and about 499 more of our friends to give at least a $10 gift on the GiveNOLA site by midnight Tuesday. Easy peasy – lemon squeezy. Could you help by giving $10 and getting a few friends to give? The good news is that they can give anonymously if they would like, so no worries about future commitment. This is one time I am going to really urge you to say yes right now and give. $7500 is a lot of chicken dinners.
We do understand that you may not be able to give, but perhaps you have a friend who could help. We are grateful for your support. Let’s win this prize for our kids.
Congratulations to Our Graduates!

Congratulations to Earl on graduating and making Honor Roll!
We are so proud of this young man. He works hard and is one of the kindest young men you’ll ever meet.

One of the smartest girls we’ve had in our program! On to college!! Yes indeed! Thank you Jesus!
Oh how we miss our kids… all we can do is pray & prepare for when we get to see them all again

We had almost 90 kids coming to our after school program for help this school year. It’s difficult to understand just how much their minds, health & spirits will be affected by all this. All we can do is pray & try to prepare for when we get to see them all again. Pray for them & Pray for us.