Simply put, we are going to need your help today. Beginning Monday all New Orleans area public schools will be closed which will greatly limit our kids’ access to food. According to, “Citywide, 84% of public school students are considered economically disadvantaged, meaning they qualify for free and reduced-priced lunches, and many rely on school to get enough to eat.”
In addition to the snacks and take-home lunches we provide to the more than 100 children who come to tutoring, Jesus Project also assists Senior Citizens and the working poor in our community. The Seniors, who are mostly shut-in, and the working poor whose paychecks are being cut are in urgent need of help.
We will start to distribute food and disinfectant supplies to our community on Monday, at the latest.
You are the backbone of our work in Hollygrove and your financial support allows us to be the “boots on the ground.” If you can help, click the link below to give online.
Click to give food to families
In addition, we will be sending a text-to-give option in the next few moments.
We are truly grateful for the opportunity to serve our community, and grateful for your willingness to help.

Rachel, Sarah and Debra