Maybe you’re like me and you find raising highly capable kids a challenge, but we are so fortunate because experts from Rezilient Kidz are going to train and equip us. We are going to be able to implement a program called Raising Highly Capable Kids into our community.
A few months ago Jesus Project applied for and received a grant for free training and materials for this parenting program called Raising Highly Capable Kids. We are so grateful to have this opportunity to not only help the community of Hollygrove, but the Rezilient Kidz organization will provide the training and materials for other similar organization throughout New Orleans. So, for the next 18 months, we can help train and equip parents for free. What an amazing opportunity to affect the future! Yesterday Rezilient Kidz held a vision casting meeting for the New Orleans area, and 12 different organization came to hear all about the training.
This program is a 13-week training session for parents. It was created by Rezilient Kidz, an offshoot of Focus On The Family. The program is based on the “40 developmental assets” which people need to be effective adults. The “40 developmental assets” were identified by research done by the Search Foundation. The Raising Highly Capable Kids program provides parents and caregivers interactive, practical, hands-on tools to become more effective at raising children. The impact of helping parents be better at parenting cannot be overstated.
We are so excited to be able to help other organizations in the area get these materials. This program is available in Spanish and English. We will do both programs in Hollygrove. We are just so excited about the opportunity to help parents because when we help the parents we are helping our kids.
We could really use some help with our ongoing budget. If you are able to contribute any amount, that would be a blessing. Click the link and you will be transported to our new and improved website. You can help us change the lives of children, and change the destiny of generations to come.

Debra and Rachel