After School Tutoring 3:30 – 6:30pm

Jesus Project 8315 Apple St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Apple Street Learning Center: Open Monday thru Thursday. The 32 weeks after school program provides free tutoring for children 5 years and older. Contact us to Volunteer: [email protected]

Cajun Thanksgiving Outreach 1-3pm

Jesus Project 8315 Apple St, New Orleans, LA, United States

The annual Cajun Thanksgiving Outreach reaches the community by providing a hot meal that includes Fried Turkey, Gumbo & Pie. In addition, we give away frozen turkeys and Thanksgiving food baskets to needy families

Apple Street Learning Center Tutoring

Apple Street Learning Center 8401 Apple St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Open Monday thru Thursday. The 32 weeks after school program provides free tutoring for children 5 years and older.

Apple Street Learning Center Tutoring

Open Monday thru Thursday. The 32 weeks after school program provides free tutoring for children 5 years and older.

Apple Street Learning Center Tutoring

Open Monday thru Thursday. The 32 weeks after school program provides free tutoring for children 5 years and older.

Spanish Bible Study

Weekly Bible study for our Spanish-speaking community. Dinner is included.

Tuesday Treasure

Financial wellness class for teens. Every Tuesday. Dinner included.

Senior Citizen Luncheon

A community gathering for our Senior Citizens takes place on the 1st Thursday of the month. Food, Arts & Crafts and Bible Study are part of the day.